Update time!
Not to sound like an evil overlord but... my plan is coming together perfectly. It's time to expand. When I started, I set out a 6 point plan. So far… 1. Join another local writing group I joined the Sooke Writing Collective. This surprised me by turning into my FIRST publication (https://sookewriters.com but the new one's not up there yet) of a short story. It ties into the world of Espar (more to come on that) but is independent. I'm tickled pink! Even got some compliments about it. It seems there are many closest fantasy buffs just looking for someone to be bold enough to share. 2. Start submitting stories into contests. I've done three submissions to contests, two to shorter publications. Just finished one, in fact, to the Helios Quarterly Magazine. I got a bit confused by time zones, but I think I made it by nearly 24 hours under the deadline. It's for "Shifting Sands," a desert-world tale from the Nanterac universe. 3. Put up the website. Yep. Still here. 4. Polish up and get beta readers for one of the stories. In the end, I had three beta readers for "Dragon's Voice," which is aiming to come out November 2019. It's Sair's story (check it out here) in the Tales of Espar world. A bit of a classic tale of a nobody tossed in way over his head, with witty fairy dragons, demons, and the doom of magic the world over. I'm looking forward to sharing it. 5. Attend SiWC to make connections. Which reminds me: I need to buy business cards. I got tickets for SiWC. I set multiple alarms, paid for the hotel deposit months ago, and got tickets within 30 minutes of them going on sale. That's a good thing, as it sold out in about 4 hours, or at least the full weekend/meal tickets did. Yikes! But it should be fun. I get to go with not one, but two, of my local Victoria Creative Writing group. 6. Publish This was the big one. And it's going to have to be several points in the end. There is so much involved! But I'm on my way. I'm on chapter 12 of 22 on review, I've got the first cover draft made (more to come!), and I'm building connections on twitter as well as Facebook and writing groups. Work in progress? Yep! I'm still debating whether I can afford a second edit (next time, editor AFTER Beta Readers!) on this one, but I'll try. So there it is. No more 6 point plan. Now, just point 5 and 6 to go. Wish me luck!
D. Lambert, authorFantasy novels that entice, inspire, and entertain. Archives
January 2025
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