Well, after kayaking the Broken Group Islands (HIGHLY recommend! Pictures below!) I'm back at it. I have promised to take it easier on myself since summer life is filled with family, travel, and kids. Lots of kids. So my usual writing times are limited. I've got Esparan, book 4 of the Son of No Man, slated to hit the shelves (electronically and in person) on October 1st! I've got Pre-orders available HERE! (ARC readers; keep an eye on your inbox. The book will be out to you first. Not an ARC reader but want to be? Click HERE.) I'm getting through Book 5 too! I got to reintroduce myself to Arnika Trulin. Of all the enemies Tohmas faces, the one who posed to defeat him is Arnika Trulin. It got me thinking about the women I have written about. I love writing a good power figure, but Arnika Trulin differed. So, this is the blog post. Let's talk about heroines and their archetypes. Have I got them all yet? Ok, so I'm going to discuss seven archetypes. I will say that any woman likely embodies all of these at different times and levels. You might reach for one at work but fall into another at home or on a date. You'll have the ones that come easily and others that slip away. We're a combination, and so are the characters. But there's going to be a dominant one for everyone. Here we go: Seven in summary. Lover: The sensuous, passionate female, she is creative and full of life energy. The lover is charismatic and seeks intimacy and thrilling relationships. She's confident but not careful. She can be emotional, for better or worse. She will provide a connection, an intense one. Examples: Samantha from Sex and the City, Aphrodite, Rose from Titanic My characters: Celebrant Loni (Son of No Man series), Shimmer Weaver (Son of No Man series) Huntress: Independent and powerful, the huntress is successful and passionate. She can be fearless and self-sufficient. But she has no time for romance and might be impulsive to her detriment. Examples: Artemis, Wonder Woman, Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games My characters: You might not have met her yet, but Lania from Lione. Also, Sori (Son of No Man series) Wise Woman: Knowledgeable and critical in her thinking. She listens to her head, not her heart, remaining objective in her approach. But she struggles to connect with other women, and others might find her intimidating. Examples: Athena, Glinda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz. My characters: Elora Ashure (Dragon's Voice) Mystic: Independent and wise, the mystic seeks inner peace, not other people's approval. She might be seen as aloof as an introvert, but her purpose lies within; peace and self-fulfillment. Examples: Hestia, Oracle from the Matrix, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, My characters: Akara (the priestess from Lione) Nurturing Mother: The caretaker. Her duty is to care, protect, and nurture. She often puts others before herself, sometimes to her detriment. She might be stubborn, but only in her need to provide compassion and support. Examples: Demeter, Molly Weasley from Harry Potter, Mary Poppins My examples: Fayela Galanth (Son of No Man series) Queen: An influential leader, she is confident and extroverted. Married, she is a powerful wife who runs the household. She finds it hard to bond with other females and shuns her feminine side. She can be jealous and vengeful. Examples: Hera, Queen Amidala from Star Wars My examples: Kasha Mirk (Dragon's Voice), Celebrant Corolys (Son of No Man series) Maiden: Eternally youthful and pure, she's empathetic and innocent. She's an idealist but might be too passive to get things done. But she's cheery and energetic through the thick and thin. Examples: Persephone, Snow White My characters: Arnica Trulin (Son of No Man series) I realized I hadn't written many Maidens. I don't gravitate to them. I had to work on making Arnika (and her cousin Altana) meek, quiet, and youthful. I was used to writing strong women. Sometimes they had to be subtle with the application of their strength, but Loni manipulated armies, Shimmer competed with the greatest wizard, Fayela ruled Galanth, Sori controlled the third clan survivors, Lania overthrew an empire, Akara inspired her nation, Gensiana ran a revolution… And then there was Arnika, mild Arnika, who just wanted to help her family. She didn't want to rule anything. She wasn't planning on getting involved. But when everything falls to her and the extraordinary influence she has. The Maiden. The meek, sweet, innocent one. So I wonder, can a Maiden rule the world? Do you feel one archetype more than another? Pictures from the trip!
D. Lambert, authorFantasy novels that entice, inspire, and entertain. Archives
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