As we come to the end of Son of No Man, it's nice to look back at where it started. My first Newsletter!
The topic was "Being Authentic." I was struggling with what to do with my writing, without how to balance what I wanted to write and what I thought people would expect or want as I moved into sharing the stories. I made a decision early; the be authentic. Here's a portion of that first newsletter: It’s something we do, a lot, in the age of technology. Posts on social media are groomed and selected. Ones we do not like, we purge. Our ‘online presence’ is a manicured performance and, like the theater, we don’t let people see behind the curtain. By the time we’re on that stage, we are costumed and masked. I have heard it described as the ‘Adaptive self’ versus the ‘Authentic self’. Adaptive self is designed to fit in. It’s who we ‘are’ when we first arrive at a party and meet new people or when we give that big boardroom talk, or when we don the uniform of our profession. And it’s often who we are online. It’s the self we project when we are not feeling safe and just need to fit in, for now, and meet expectations. But it’s a façade. The Authentic self is lingering behind the curtain, waiting for their turn... I genuinely like helping people. I love making people happy. That is who I am, and who I am glad to be. It does not always come easily, but it’s what I wish for everyone. Love yourself. Be confident that who you are is enough. You are important. Most crucially: Be yourself. May we all enjoy the adventure. I still believe it! I want to be what and who I am. I made choices, like names, and spellings, and world building, all of it. I encourage everyone to do the same! Deals below, but I'm late on posting this so please, avail yourself ASAP of the deals below because they expire soon! Comments are closed.
D. Lambert, authorFantasy novels that entice, inspire, and entertain. Archives
January 2025
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